High prescription drug prices in the United States have driven up overall health care costs and have led many patients to forgo their medications. Researchers modeled the effects of capping prices for the United States prescription drugs. Researchers have found that this change would have cut the United States’ spending on insulin. Helping workers and laborers are more like helping business (Marek et al., 2021).
However, federal action to prop up America’s state-based unemployment system wound down, affecting the bulk of Americans. This highlights the underlying flaws in unemployment insurance. Funds create incentives for states and businesses to make benefits less generous and harder for workers to receive. Thus, such events show the need to pursue lasting unemployment reform to withstand the crisis.
People have been hammered by storm after storm, making it essential to communicate about recovery and reduce future risks. It is necessary to know and understand the preparedness of disasters and their role in creating risk themselves. The possible closely related factors could include wealth inequality, systemic discrimination, and disparities in access to essential services. The vast majority of the United States military personnel are not extremists. The recent reports of current and former personnel engaging in extremist activities and violence have highlighted the threat of extremist activity (Ganesh, 2021).
Earlier this month, the federal action to prop up America’s state-based employment system ended, affecting millions of Americans. The enormous size of the federal relief package shows how inadequate the benefits were. Lawmakers face a choice, and the authorities continue to ignore employment insurance, trying to implement short-term fixes each time. It can provide workers and businesses with the certainty of an effective and efficient program that can overstand the next crisis.
COVID-19 would not be just an epidemic of disease but an epidemic of discrimination. Hate crimes increased spread by political retroact, focus the COVID-19 conversation in China. Recent research has found that individuals fear being threatened or physically attacked. According to Bell (2015), there has been an increase in hate crimes, so the ongoing research help to understand much better. The research examined how people encounter racism and its effects on their health, well-being, economic conditions, and vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is essential to address physical infrastructure like the systems and power grids, but infrastructure could be the only focus. Besides, the vast majority of the United States personnel are not extremists. But due to their engagement in recent and former.
Bell, J. (2015). There are no racists here: The rise of racial extremism, when no one is racist. Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 20(2). https://repository.law.umich.edu/mjrl/vol20/iss2/5
Ganesh, B. (2021). Platform racism: How minimizing racism privileges far right extremism. Items. https://items.ssrc.org/extremism-online/platform-racism-how-minimizing-racism-privileges-far-right-extremism/
Marek, N., Payne, L. A., and Miller, L. L. (2021). Reducing the risk of extremist activity in the U.S. military. RAND. https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PEA1447-1.html