
What is Criminal Justice and a Career in this Field?

Criminal justice is a broad term that refers to delivering justice through a proper criminal justice system to those accused of criminal conduct. The criminal justice system in the US has several institutions that ensure reforms for the criminals and justice for the victims of crimes. Police, prosecutors, courts, prison, and defense lawyers are all …

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How to find the best Criminal Justice Attorney?

When it comes to the criminal justice system of the US, it is both good and bad. People here usually don’t care about having their criminal justice attorney unless and until they get into trouble or get charged with any crime. Finding the right criminal justice attorney becomes crucial when people are criminally charged. Often …

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Abortion Rights

Abortion rights have been a tense issue in the states for several years. Pro-Life or Pro-Abortion stances have divided the community, with both sides having legitimate reasons for their respective decisions. However, the recent events would change the dynamic drastically as the infamous court decision overturning Roe v. Wade has garnered a lot of backlash. …

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Overpopulation in United States

Overview of U.S. Overpopulation According to the U.S. Department of Commerce U.S., there was an increase of 0.21% in the U.S. population. The combination of birth, death, and net immigration increases the U.S. population by one person every 40 seconds. Meanwhile, the objective is to expect one person from international immigration every 130 seconds. Causes …

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Gun Violence

With the spike in gun violence seen throughout the states, considerably in Iowa, Wisconsin, Buffalo, and lastly, Uvalde, it is safe to assume that the current system of mandated guns is ineffective. Although the constitution does provide the right to defend oneself, pro-gun activists have long exploited this rule and allowed for assault rifles to …

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Food Insecurity

In today’s day and age, it is hard to think that a family in the U.S is deprived of food. The wealth distribution though very apparent has yet made us ignorant of the facts of our society. Food insecurity is much more prevalent than you would believe. Thirty-seven million people in the U.S faced food …

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Wealth Inequality

An epidemic that still impacts the United States is the immense wealth gap between different societies and wealth inequality. The country is divided into the same groups as most counties; the first group that is extremely well off and stable, the second with a considerable to even an admirable middle-class living, and the last one …

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Abortion Laws

Recently there has been uproar related to abortion legislation in the U.S. Some people support such legislation, while others are against it. There is widespread debate on whether such legislation qualifies the highest standard of lawmaking or is it just a republican pushed agenda that will now ruin reproductive healthcare for women. Whatever a person’s …

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One of the most severe issues in the U.S educational system is bullying. There is no check and control on how a student is treated throughout the day. It is unfair to assume that teachers are responsible for individually taking care of every kid, but it is necessary to go the extra mile to ensure …

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Gun Control

Gun Control; is a topic of widespread concern, especially in the United States of America. It is no surprise that the aforementioned topic is prone to raising the tension in a room, making otherwise mediocre conversations heated and wild. Everyone has strong feelings and opinions on the subject. We are here to discuss an unbiased …

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Sexuality and Gender Identity

One of the most fundamental rights that an individual can expect in a peaceful society is to be treated with respect and equality regardless of religion, color, caste, creed, gender identity, and even sexuality. There are many treaties and conventions that the United States has ratified which reinforce such ideals. The issue remains within our …

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Rights of Non-Citizens

One of the most controversial issues in the past few years was Trump’s strict policies regarding immigrants. While known as the land of free, America has some of the most absurd protocols for its non-citizens, challenging the concept of fundamental human rights. The question arises that while a non-citizen or a person claiming asylum might …

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Criminal Justice System

The U.S. Criminal justice system is based upon three institutions that administer law enforcement: the police, courts, and prison. Like any other system, it has its flaws, but lately, it has been under much scrutiny and controversy because of some questionable decisions about race. 2020 was also when we saw the comeback of strong public …

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Racial Inequality

Racial Inequality It is the term used to define the American tradition that discriminates between the human races, especially between whites and blacks, Hispanics, or any other non-white community. American urban communities still have black territories and neighborhoods where most inhabitants are African American. Many of these areas have elevated degrees of poverty and unemployment. …

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The Risk of Racial Extremism

High prescription drug prices in the United States have driven up overall health care costs and have led many patients to forgo their medications. Researchers modeled the effects of capping prices for the United States prescription drugs. Researchers have found that this change would have cut the United States’ spending on insulin. Helping workers and …

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Need for Uncovering the Truth

The life of African Americans in the United States is miserable on many counts. Some traits are the absence of dependable livelihoods, traumatic experiences of social dislocation (that many have to pass through), and complete reliance on informal approaches to shelter and services. A more significant challenge is the Whites’ perception of the Blacks. Extremist …

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Modern Policing: Reality vs. Social Media

The advent of social networking and increased presence in the online world has brought a definite rise in cases involving aggressive policing, police brutality, or even ruthless and thoughtless murder by the police. Through better recording devices due to advancements in phone technology or social websites like Twitter, everyone can express their opinion; the previous …

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Disparities in the Administration of Justice

The issues of the criminal justice system concerning racism go a long way from offensive charges through pleas, criminal convictions, and incarcerations. The brutal behavior of law enforcement officials with people of color has been known for decades. In fact, in the last few months, protests spouted across the country in response to a flare-up …

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Acknowledging Racism

While we have terms for people who have experienced any trauma, it is a grave fact that over 400 years of racism, we do not have a term yet for people of color who experience racial terrorism. This is a devastating and telling omission in our lexicon because it conveys how a white-dominant society in …

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Racism is Getting Filmed

We need to wonder if we would even know about George Floyd without phone videos. The incidents should make us all wonder how many more like George Floyd there are that did not get the opportunity to become martyred hashtags. Most Black people will tell you that many more unnamed martyrs than named ones. Thus, …

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Policing and Social Control

Policing strategies and problem-solving place a central part in police-community collaborations. A significant role of policing is to empower residents to exercise proactive control over the communities to prevent crime and disorder while addressing problems immediately when they begin to arise. Individuals’ feelings of vulnerability make them view police officers as ineffective and unresponsive to …

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Ethical Flaws of Racism

Racism represents an important ethical issue. After plenty of research, researchers have pointed out the relative neglect of racism as an ethical issue. Johnstone and Kanitsaki (2010) reflected that the preventable harms racism inflicts on ethnic and racial minorities will remain difficult to identify and manage. It could not be done unless racism is framed …

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Need of Policy Amendments to Resolve Black Issues

Foremost, significant reforms are highly required in the domain of the criminal justice system to address social issues. The literature has reported that Black men, in particular, are drastically overrepresented in the prison population. They are found more likely to be incarcerated five times more than white men in the course of life (Carrega, 2021). …

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Racism is an Injustice in Society

Racism tends to be enabled to unwittingly perpetuate inequitable outcomes across different domains, including education, workplace, housing, healthcare, and criminal justice for racial minorities. However, democracy is based on egalitarian principles and equal representation. Racism and discrimination limit the ability of racial minorities to actively participate in social life events which were one of the …

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Reducing Harmful Consequences

People living in high-crime communities are exposed to high levels of violence as victims. The youth of color is overrepresented at the justice system level. These law enforcement practices focus on and respond to young people of color differently, increasing their involvement in juvenile justice and the criminal justice system. Moreover, law enforcement applies greater …

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Discrimination in Different Arenas of Life

It is true that when people of color are disproportionately arrested by police and incarcerated, this also causes disadvantages in other areas of life like family life, healthcare, academia, employment, and social life. Thus, there should be some targets to bring change and betterment. Mentioned can be some of the targeted places to bring improvement. …

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Why are People of Color Overrepresented in Criminal Incidents?

It is essential to see what the justice system is up to. Black people celebrated the end of slavery in America dates back to 1865. The era of enslavement had gone for more than centuries. The well-known myth of slavery, the myth of white supremacy, was premised on one of the most fantastical myths ever …

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Costs of Denying White Privilege and Racism

Racism has been a deeply-rooted historical and contemporary phenomenon. The research study documented the systemic and pervasive nature of racial segregation and discrimination that significantly restricted the growth among African Americans (Baradaran, 2017). Racism is socially costly as it imposes unfair and unnecessary inequities that harm the health and well-being of ethnic and racial minorities. …

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Is there any Role of Democracy in Racism?

Democracy is majoritarian and hence authoritarian that can yield results contrary to racial equality through the anonymity of the ballot box. Many people hold views that are considered racist, reflecting the inherent paradox. Therefore, it is no wonder that anti-discrimination activism and much of its positive gains in the forms of civil rights legislation and …

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Racism in Different Domains

Racism is multi-dimensional and is seen across various domains that mainly include education, employment, healthcare, residence, and in fact in law and justice. On top of that, it can be manifested at levels of social and institutional spaces like governance, policy implementation, service delivery, employment, recruitment, and reporting. It all ended up in the form …

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Racism in Healthcare and Ethical Problems

Racism today is not limited to explicit racial policies. Some discriminatory policies and practices, such as slavery, Jim Crow laws, and Apartheid, have been abolished; however, their pioneering systems remain. Besides, in the context of institutional barriers that mainly precludes equitable access, they are likely to perpetuate existing disparities in health outcomes. Racism at the …

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Unlawful Arrests of Minorities

It is true that discrimination of ethnic or racial origin violates the principle of equality and is morally wrong. The focus of equality requires that all people are equal and thus should be treated equally regardless of anything. If racial discrimination does not exist, it certainly has a historical foundation for its existence. African Americans …

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Racial Injustice throughout the States

Racial prejudice is not uncommon across the states. Even during this “progressive” era, the roots of racial discrimination have been buried deep in society, ranging from policies to education. Ostracizing and discriminating against someone due to their culture, beliefs, or race goes against our understanding of humanity. This article will first identify the start of …

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How to Celebrate Juneteenth?

It has been a great year for African Americans. The Black lives matter movement last year had gained tremendous momentum amid Covid restrictions. There were multiple marches across the nation. However, some of the demonstrations have been more controversial and politically charged than others. This year Juneteenth is significant because the new President, Joe Biden, …

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What is Juneteenth Day?

While we just passed the Fourth of July and independence was celebrated all across America, to think that such celebration for a hundred years was not shared by the African community is truly disturbing and requires more consideration than we are giving. Even after the glorious years of independence, there were a large majority of …

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Juneteenth an Annual Celebration from Abolishment of Slavery

The holiday observance on June 19th commemorates the abolishment of slavery of the African Americans. It is celebrated to the emancipation of about four million slaves. However, many were not aware of this freedom for a certain period. It was made official when Union General Gordon Granger issued an order to free them; thus, there …

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US Laws Intersecting Issues of Race

The founding principles of the United States embrace the ideals of freedom and equality. Contradictions exist where systemic exclusions and suppression of communities of color are found. This country’s laws and public policies were designed explicitly to prohibit people of color from full participation. However, laws and policies should be scaffolding that is intended to …

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Racial violence targeting Black community

Racism has been known as the significant social determinant of health akin to education, employment, and health equity barriers. Publicized anti-Black violence negatively affects the mental health and psychological wellbeing of many Black Americans. It is not mandatory if they experience it directly, but the brutal events happening in the country may have poor mental …

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Racism is a reason for persistent inequities

Different forms of racism at local, state, and federal level has been the reason to produce persistent inequities in economic well-being. Mitigating such disproportionalities requires long-term interventions to expand access to opportunities for suffering people of color. Lawmakers are required to establish programs designed to assist people of color in different working fields. However, doing …

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Problematic Side of the Criminal Justice System

Common Complaints against the Police Commonly, problematic behavior often begins at an early stage, resulting in violent issues. The cops are the critical component and the influential representatives of the criminal justice system. And those police officers who primarily put people in cages are the active enforcers of mass incarceration (Kappeler, 2012). There is a …

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Cyber Threats in Pandemic

The prevailed COVID-19 pandemic led many countries to command ‘quarantine’ to stay safe from the virus’s contagion. The rate of cybercrime is likely to increase as people avoid going out and spend more time at home. The victimization during the pandemic may vary according to the type of crime. Domestic abuse (intimate partner crimes) appears …

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Youth Justice: Issues of Transition from Young to Adulthood

The criminal justice system impacted the lives of many young people. The confinement rate of children in adult prisons had risen to above 200% since the mid-90s. Interestingly, the majority of an incarcerated individual includes youth of color. Battles at the local level are fought since many children are still entering the adult criminal justice …

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Discriminatory Treatment of Black Students

Racial Gap in Suspensions Black students from kindergarten to high school are about 3.8 times more likely to experience exclusionary discipline comparable to the white compeers. Students of color get disparately treated, punished, and suspended. The percentage of suspension varies by ethnic background and gender. Among all the K-12 students, 18 percent of Black boys, …

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Impact of Zero Tolerance Policy on Students of Color

Zero-Tolerance Policies: A Catalyst to School-to-Prison Pipeline The zero-tolerance approach relies on predetermined punishments to a behavior despite considering the extent of the offense. Zero-tolerance policies were put into practice to prevent violence and behavioral issues. But zero-tolerance is practiced to suspend or expel students for insignificant misconduct. The misemploy and bias implementation led to …

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The Complications of Violence Against Youth

“When custody meets care, custody always wins.” ~ David Rothman Youth Violence The high risks associated with harm affecting child life include violence, drug abuse, mishandling, maltreatment, and aggressive attitude. All this badly impacts the safety and wellbeing of children. It is highly needed to know the requirements, vulnerabilities, and threats to take the initial …

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Role of Educational Institutions in Students’ Lives

What we hope and have seen is that children will form a love of books and a love of ideas in books. We want to empower children to understand that they are valuable …and not proscribed by their circumstances. ~ Jeanne Middleton-Hairston The foul response to the schools’ multiple disciplinary problems is associated with the …

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Is Systemic Racism Unprejudiced?

Systemic Racism Affects Black People Systemic racism is predominant in the international human rights movement. The worldwide protest “Black Live Matter” and the widely spread COVID-19 pandemic lit by the violent murder of an Afro-American, George Floyd. The formulation of systemic racism disadvantage different racial groups in significant ways. The implicit bias is also one …

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Vulnerable Youth, Not Offenders

Youth violence is an intense form of aggression that includes physical harm, injury, or even death. Some common examples of youth violence include homicides and gang violence. Fairly viewed, pretrial detention of a juvenile gives rise to injuries comparable to those associated with the imprisonment of an adult. ~ Justice Thurgood Marshall  Unfair treatment is …

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Psychosexual Analysis: Effectiveness and Uses in Criminology

A psychosexual evaluation considers scientific methods of diagnosis or examination to evaluate an individual’s psychological and sexual functioning. This examination evaluates the deviant behavior from a generally accepted sexual response that could either be abnormal or unusual and considered illegal if acted upon. This evaluation facilitates selecting the most effective and productive way of treatment …

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LGBTQ: Victims of Discrimination and the effects of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic deteriorates the global community by knocking over modes of employment, lifestyle, and the criminal justice system. The current crisis has been accompanied by an increase in domestic, family, and intimate partner violence cases. However, the experiences of violence are not uniform. However, it is significant to recognize that different groups will encounter …

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Crime Detection: Tracking down the perpetrators

Crime detection, prevention, reduction, and control have remained burning issues because crime poses a significant threat to society, as criminals adopt increasingly sophisticated crime commission technologies. Crime records hardly ever leave the crime unsolved. Successful crime detection reflects policing reality. The main point of concern is what is required or the demand for more successful …

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Elusiveness to Right of Protection for Trans-People of Color

The black transgender community suffers disparate intimate partner violence rates, discriminatory harassment, and sexual violence from both strangers and acquaintances. Members of the trans community report disparate discriminatory treatment rates and physical violence from law enforcement personnel while interrogating crimes. The stereotyped behavior that Black transgender people are deceitful to make them experience under-policing. Transgender …

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Crisis in Medical Jurisprudence

Forensic pathology lies in the field of forensic medicine dealing with examining the deceased individuals. Usually, a forensic pathologist interrogates after receiving a formal request from the prosecutor. However, the codification of forensic pathology varies country-to-country. A forensic pathologist provides medical assistance based on tried and tested experiments in the investigation, and the process continues …

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The War on Drugs and Racism

People widely consume psychoactive drugs for millennia all around the world. In Asia and Africa, cannabis (commonly known as Marijuana) is widely cultivated, traded, and used as a health-care drug. It has a sacred role in Sufism and Hindu culture. Its medicinal uses, also mentioned in Avicenna’s Canon of Medicine, are considered authoritative medical texts …

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Brutality against Black Lives Must be Stopped

Brutality against black lives

The homicide of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Breona Taylor, Eric Garner, and many other Black people provoke the people of African descent to condemn the prejudiced racism in the United States and other parts of the globe. This matter of concern has also reawakened calls for scholars, activists, and policymakers to sort effective ways to …

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Discrimination in Schools: Equality Matters

It is evident by the research that students of color are disparately treated and suspended as compared to White students. It is not the controversial differences, but interpreting disproportionalities is something bitter or, say, intolerable. The major contributing factors include discriminating punishing groups for making the same mistakes, disciplining differently in school, misperceptions that students …

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White Supremacy

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion… People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love..” ~ Nelson Mandela White supremacists are responsible for the ideologically inspired extremists. In the preceding year, white …

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Genocide is Intolerable

“Dehumanization is a form of moral disengagement that allows people to abandon normal human sympathies toward oppressed minorities.” ~ Albert Bandura It’s been a part of the routine where it is common to hear unjust murder or violent killing daily. More specifically, people of color are at the forefront of life threats. An obsession with …

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