“Dehumanization is a form of moral disengagement that allows people to abandon normal human sympathies toward oppressed minorities.” ~ Albert Bandura
It’s been a part of the routine where it is common to hear unjust murder or violent killing daily. More specifically, people of color are at the forefront of life threats. An obsession with genetics and intelligence has been a hallmark of white extremists. Even President Trump loves to blow his own trumpet that his high IQ and quality genes are the secrets to his success in life (O’Brien, 2017). Commonly, brutal conspiracies fueled the genocidal acts. People belonging to different racial backgrounds desire that they secure their people’s livelihood and the future of their children to breathe in a free environment. Some ferocious incidents prompt the people of color to take actions, even violent measures, to safeguard their people or otherwise they will perish from the Earth.

The recent protests and public reactions to date towards George Floyd’s murder are provoking happenings to renew the people’s thoughts and commitments for the manipulation of republic ideals. It’s awful that some people desperately plead for the fundamental rights of breathing and living in this advance and developed world. Black people are not killed because of being Black but due to White supremacy. So, it is likely to mention the heart-trending list of those whose lives were brutally ended by cops. From the most recent George Floyd, Sean Reed, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, Botham Jean, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Sandra Bland, Atatiana Jefferson, Freddie Gray, Stephon Clark, Tamir Rice, Keith Childress, Walter Scott, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Antwon Rose, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, Jordan Edwards, Jonathon Ferrell, Jr. Keith Scott, Terrence Crutcher, John Crawford, Oscar Grant, Corey Jones and so many to name. Although, there are hundreds of thousands throughout history whose names are overlooked.
On the death of Floyd, Colin Kaepernick, an American Civil rights activist, and a football quarterback, remarked: “When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction.” It is highly needed to recognize the inherent racism. It’s excruciating. No doubt, law enforcement personnel have a dangerous job, I know, and I respect. But no immediate danger can be seen in the case of George Floyd’s murder. They were the trained officials, better familiar with the situations, yet used superfluous force to restrain because of a threat to their white supremacy.
The officers and white nationalists ignore the pleas, dignity, and even the fundamental human rights in colorblind racism. The matter of fact is there are many officers and people who have not been indicted involved in murder or violence. This genocide must be stopped, and the only way is to claim it unbearable. It needs to demand justice and equality from all aspects and encourage training sessions for law enforcement and community policing.